Message from Achilles CT President Erin Spaulding
Jul 9, 2015 | Erin Spaulding
Hi Achilles CT athletes!

with you all as many of you have reached out as you want to stay active in July and August. Many of you are also training for fall half marathons and marathons!
Our next TEAM ACHILLES CT event is the New Haven Road Race on Monday, September 7th. After that, all eyes are on the Hartford Marathon, Half and 5K on October 10th. If you have not already let me know of your participation in those events, please email me back as I am working on those events this summer. We also have a select few running the NYC Marathon in November! Please let me know of your fall racing plans ASAP!
Your Regional Coordinators will also be in touch with you this summer as many are planning social events and group workouts locally. In addition, if you need a guide for a training run or workout locally, please contact your regional director as they have a network of guides available for you!
Reminder that both Fleet Feet locations offer free training programs to Achilles athletes. If you are interested or to find out dates of the programs, visit:
Here are some of our partner organizations for you to check out that offer great summer programs if you are interested in other adaptive sports:
Achilles International Kayak Program:
Gaylord Sports Association (multiple adaptive sports programs throughout CT):
Leap of Faith Adaptive Skiing (Sandy Hook):
Burke Rehab (Westchester NY) Adaptive Sports:
If any of you participate in other summer programs, please share with all of us!
Happy Summer!
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