Vinnie Liguori Memorial Athlete of the Year Award

Marilyn Wenzel

Katy Guidone Memorial Volunteer of the Year Award

Dana Martin

Spirit of Achilles Award

Gail Bruno (Athlete)

Grit Rorrio (Volunteer)

Heart & Hustle Award

Jeffrey DiCera (Athlete) Kayla Swirko (Volunteer), Emma Spoldi (Volunteer)

Golden Sneaker Awards

David Alejandro (Athlete), Sharon & Peter Geltner (Athletes), Roberta Brown (Volunteer), Aviva Elkayam (Volunteer-not pictured)


Determination Award 

Debbie Kimble (Athlete-not pictured)

Rookie of the Year Award

Justin Ferris (Athlete-not pictured)

Donna Gleason (Volunteer-not pictured)

Unsung Hero

Greg St. George (Athlete-not pictured)

Tom Soisson (Volunteer)

Trailblazer Award

Tom Stearley (Athlete-not pictured)

Carleta Maurice (Volunteer-not pictured)

The Inspiration Award

Rich Howard (Athlete)

Tracy Parkin (Volunteer-not pictured)

Comeback Award

Michelle Georgevich (Athlete-not pictured)

Perseverance Award 

Stu Sherman & Daniel DeJesus (Athletes-not pictured)

Darin Meder (Volunteer-not pictured)

Achilles MVP Award

John Carrona (Athlete-not pictured)

Sheri Dumas & Janine Pilney (Volunteers-not pictured)

The Motivation Award

Jay Rustico (Athlete)

Mike Halasinski (Volunteer)


First Timers Club (athletes-first time finishing a race of any distance)

 Jim McCollum-1st marathon-NYC (pictured with guides Alex Soter & Monte Wagner who both won the “Most Miles Logged Guiding an Athlete” Award)

Gloria Searson-1st race (Pantry 5K & 2-miler)

Keith Hodder-1st race (Eversource Hartford 5K)

Carmella Ferreira & Debbie Kimble- 1st race (New Haven 5K)- not pictured

The Frequent Flyer Award

Thomas Kimball (Volunteer-not pictured)

The Margaret Award (M&Ms)

Margaret (Meg) Moore (Athlete), Margaret (Grit) Rorrio & Margaret (Maggie) Boudreau-not pictured

(Wel)Come Back Award

Nyema Pinkney Cranford (Athlete)

Jessica Willis (Volunteer)

Most Likely to Give First Aid

Steven Kao (Volunteer)

Fireball Award

Mike Tubiak (Athlete)

Nicole Schreier (Volunteer)

(Almost) Perfect Attendance Award 

Marilyn Wenzel (Athlete)

Lori Stethers (Volunteer-not pictured)

Most Likely to Clear Capitol Ave. in 10 seconds

Jared Senelick (Volunteer)

LEAST Likely to Need a Megaphone

David Alejandro (Athlete)

Positively Positive Award 

Ricky Wang & Jessie Mabry (Athletes-not pictured)

Tricia King & Janet Wang (Volunteers-Janet not pictured)

Most Likely to Outrun a Cheetah

Diego Rabellino (Athlete-not pictured)

Ken Whitney (Volunteer-not pictured but dad Bruce Whitney accepted the award!)

Roll With It Award

Rosie Cascudo (Athlete-not pictured)

Jessica Bradstreet (Volunteer-not pictured)


Team Captain Award

Stu Sherman (Athlete-Team 26.2 Stu-not pictured)

Bruce Whitney, Jo-Anne Rankin (Volunteers-Team Achilles CT)

Most Team Spirit

Sierra Skora-Thomas (Athlete-not pictured)

Sammi Bray (Volunteer-not pictured)

Most Likely to Need a Shower (aka The Mud Award)

Shannon Davis (Athlete-not pictured)

How Can I Help? Award

Keri McKay (Volunteer-not pictured)

Maggie Boudreau (Volunteer-not pictured)

The Punctuality Award

Jordan Acevedo (Athlete) 

Lyly Hin (Volunteer)


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